With Pottles, you can experiment and create an infinite number of gel nail colors to suit your mood. Mix different colors, add glitters, and make amazing nail art without having to use a single funnel or palette. Create something new every time you use it!
A pottle is made up of three reusable pieces; a glass storage container, a quality midi cap and a tall top, making it the firstRefillable Gel Bottle. Whether you're off to the office or on vacation, Pottles are a great way to organize your custom nail polish creations from different brands!
Package includes: 1 Pottle - Refillable Gel Bottle
- Tall chrome cap
- Rose Gold/White Midicap
- Weighted glass base for light sensitive liquids
- Two copper mixing marbles
- 4 inch crystal wand for blending
- Extra Nail brush applicator
Holds 20ml
Related tags: nail salon, nails by pro, recommended nail salon near me
SKU: Default 32
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